

发表时间: 2020-06-22 21:40


Get ready to dive deep in the ocean and learn some cool facts about fish and their marine habitat on Scuba Sam's World. This reef dweller is a popular fish.


Known for its bright orange color and distinctive white bars outlined in black. Look familiar?


It's the clownfish! Named for the bold color strokes on its body that look like the face paint on a circus clown.


There are at least 30 known species of clownfish that mostly live in shallow waters of the Red Sea, Indian, and western Pacific Oceans.

Due to their small size, clownfish are easy prey for sharks, eels, and larger fish.


Protection is key to their survival. Clownfish use sea anemones as their home and personal bodyguards.


They are one of the only fish immune to the sea anemone's stinging tentacles. So it keeps predators at a distance.


In return for safety, clownfish provide nutrients to the anemone and keep it clean of parasites. This perfect pair also share food.


The clownfish gets to enjoy whatever food is leftover after the sea anemone is done feasting. Sounds like a sweet deal.


Clownfish are social fish, communicating by making popping and clicking noises. These pint-sized beauties are fierce defenders of their anemone homes, chasing away any visiting fish or divers.


So keep a safe distance. These fish are not clowning around.
